Guide Alpine “White&Blue Mountain Guides”

We are a group of three professionals and friends, bound by a passion for the mountains and for the amazing profession of Mountain Guide, united by mutual respect and trust consolidated by the various years of collaboration and attendance.

Living in the mountains, in nature, sharing enthusiasm and emotions with new people is an extraordinary experience.

However, the days take on an even more vivid color when we are lucky enough to be able to work together with the same group, sharing ideas, evaluations and choices, often discussing to reach the best shared solution.

In free time we go climbing and skiing together, in the dead seasons (such as late autumn … among the best in the mountains …) we allow ourselves challenging climbs, joined to the same rope.

Our work meetings are pleasant evenings in front of good beers to define programs and to discuss new stimulating projects.

The mountain is truth, it is frankness, it is honesty and this is our philosophy in relationships with our customers and in collaboration with colleagues.

Our outputs and courses are based on the correctness and clarity of information, in particular with regard to objectives, risks and responsibilities.

The terrain where we move, the mountain, means that every professional experience, besides being stimulating from a technical point of view, is an intense human experience.



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